Should you be wanting to study to get an MCSE, it's likely you'll come into one of two categories. You could be about to enter the computer sector, as it's apparent this commercial sector has lots of demand for people with the right qualifications. Or you could be a knowledgeable person wanting to polish up your CV with the Microsoft qualification.
When researching training companies, don't use those that cut costs by not providing the latest version from Microsoft. In the long-run, this will end up costing the student a great deal more because they've been taught from an outdated MCSE course which inevitably will have to be up-dated pretty much straight away.
A company's mission statement must be based upon doing the most for their students, and they should be passionate about their results. Working towards an MCSE isn't just about passing exams - the procedure must also be geared towards assisting you in working on the best action plan for your future.
Be watchful that any certifications you're studying for are recognised by industry and are current. 'In-house' exams and the certificates they come with are generally useless.
All the major IT organisations such as Microsoft, Adobe, CompTIA or Cisco each have globally renowned proficiency courses. These big-hitters will make your CV stand-out.
Many trainers will provide a useful Job Placement Assistance facility, to assist your search for your first position. However sometimes people are too impressed with this facility, for it is genuinely quite straightforward for any focused and well taught person to get a job in IT - as there is such a shortage of qualified personnel.
Update your CV at the beginning of your training though - look to your training company for advice on how to do this. Don't procrastinate and leave it for when you're ready to start work.
It can happen that you haven't even passed your first exam when you will get your initial junior support role; yet this is not possible unless you've posted your CV on job sites.
Normally you'll get better performance from a specialist independent regional employment service than you'll get from a training company's centralised service, because they'll know local industry and the area better.
To bottom line it, if you put the same amount of effort into securing your first job as into training, you won't find it too challenging. Some people bizarrely spend hundreds of hours on their training and studies and do nothing more once they've passed their exams and seem to expect employers to find them.
We're often asked why traditional degrees are less in demand than the more commercial qualifications?
Industry is of the opinion that for an understanding of the relevant skills, certified accreditation supplied for example by Microsoft, CompTIA, CISCO and Adobe most often has much more specialised relevance - and a fraction of the cost and time.
Patently, a certain portion of closely linked knowledge must be taught, but essential specifics in the exact job role gives a vendor educated student a huge edge.
It's a bit like the TV advert: 'It does what it says on the tin'. All an employer has to do is know what areas need to be serviced, and then match up the appropriate exam numbers as a requirement. That way they can be sure they're interviewing applicants who can do the job.
One thing you must always insist on is 24x7 round-the-clock support via professional mentors and instructors. So many companies we come across will only offer a basic 9am till 6pm support period (maybe later on certain days) with very little availability over the weekend.
Be wary of any training providers which use 'out-of-hours' call-centres - with the call-back coming in during standard office hours. It's not a lot of help when you've got study issues and could do with an answer during your scheduled study period.
We recommend that you search for training programs that have multiple support offices around the globe in several time-zones. These should be integrated to offer a simple interface as well as 24x7 access, when it's convenient for you, with no hassle.
Don't accept second best when you're looking for the right support service. Most IT hopefuls who throw in the towel, are in that situation because of support (or the lack of).
When researching training companies, don't use those that cut costs by not providing the latest version from Microsoft. In the long-run, this will end up costing the student a great deal more because they've been taught from an outdated MCSE course which inevitably will have to be up-dated pretty much straight away.
A company's mission statement must be based upon doing the most for their students, and they should be passionate about their results. Working towards an MCSE isn't just about passing exams - the procedure must also be geared towards assisting you in working on the best action plan for your future.
Be watchful that any certifications you're studying for are recognised by industry and are current. 'In-house' exams and the certificates they come with are generally useless.
All the major IT organisations such as Microsoft, Adobe, CompTIA or Cisco each have globally renowned proficiency courses. These big-hitters will make your CV stand-out.
Many trainers will provide a useful Job Placement Assistance facility, to assist your search for your first position. However sometimes people are too impressed with this facility, for it is genuinely quite straightforward for any focused and well taught person to get a job in IT - as there is such a shortage of qualified personnel.
Update your CV at the beginning of your training though - look to your training company for advice on how to do this. Don't procrastinate and leave it for when you're ready to start work.
It can happen that you haven't even passed your first exam when you will get your initial junior support role; yet this is not possible unless you've posted your CV on job sites.
Normally you'll get better performance from a specialist independent regional employment service than you'll get from a training company's centralised service, because they'll know local industry and the area better.
To bottom line it, if you put the same amount of effort into securing your first job as into training, you won't find it too challenging. Some people bizarrely spend hundreds of hours on their training and studies and do nothing more once they've passed their exams and seem to expect employers to find them.
We're often asked why traditional degrees are less in demand than the more commercial qualifications?
Industry is of the opinion that for an understanding of the relevant skills, certified accreditation supplied for example by Microsoft, CompTIA, CISCO and Adobe most often has much more specialised relevance - and a fraction of the cost and time.
Patently, a certain portion of closely linked knowledge must be taught, but essential specifics in the exact job role gives a vendor educated student a huge edge.
It's a bit like the TV advert: 'It does what it says on the tin'. All an employer has to do is know what areas need to be serviced, and then match up the appropriate exam numbers as a requirement. That way they can be sure they're interviewing applicants who can do the job.
One thing you must always insist on is 24x7 round-the-clock support via professional mentors and instructors. So many companies we come across will only offer a basic 9am till 6pm support period (maybe later on certain days) with very little availability over the weekend.
Be wary of any training providers which use 'out-of-hours' call-centres - with the call-back coming in during standard office hours. It's not a lot of help when you've got study issues and could do with an answer during your scheduled study period.
We recommend that you search for training programs that have multiple support offices around the globe in several time-zones. These should be integrated to offer a simple interface as well as 24x7 access, when it's convenient for you, with no hassle.
Don't accept second best when you're looking for the right support service. Most IT hopefuls who throw in the towel, are in that situation because of support (or the lack of).
About the Author:
Copyright 2009 Scott Edwards. Hop over to Learning HTML or
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