Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'll Teach You Speed Reading in 11 Minutes

By Dr. Jay Polmar

Most people can't believe it until they've tried it. 11 Minute Speed Reading is an amazing course because Dr Jay Polmar, founder of, cut out all the hot air, and teaches you the major techniques in 11 minutes.

How did he do it? First, he taught courses at colleges and universities in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon and Hawaii to see how fast these techniques worked. And, then he took the 3 best speed reading techniques and wrote the course. They tested the course on hundreds of willing students, and in 11 minutes you too can be a speed reader by studying the course.

Plus, you'll also learn the correct way to read books. You'll quickly discover how to organize your reading tasks, what to look for when you read, and you'll learn how to remember and recall what you read.

Plus, you'll learn the secrets of how to write a term paper, report, or any type of paper in 10 days including the research, organization, writing, review, and formal presentation.

That method is unique, unlike any others, and you can teach your friends and family to be speed readers in only 11 minutes also. You and yours will be reading 50% to 75% faster in 1 minute. With practice, when you are reading - you'll double your reading speed.

Dr. Polmar is famous for speed reading and accelerated learning courses since 1977. He is the only speed reading teacher and author who has incorporated several different techniques of speed reading along with visualization and relaxation techniques and accelerated learning to help people, from every country, to read faster and have a better and more productive life.

Written by Dr. Jay Polmar, ('s founder), an amazing man who has written over 100 success oriented books in his career. His specialty speed reading course, is based on 16 years of teaching at colleges and universities.

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